There are two kinds of rats.
Norway and roof rat
Norway rat is also known as brown rat with short tail and small eyes.
Roof rat also known as black rat with long tail and big eyes.
Rats live in colonies, Female usually related to each other, live in little groups of one to six in a little burrow system of their own. They each have their own nest chamber, but they may share the burrow and may raise their young together. The gestation period for rats is 19–22 days, for mice it is 17–21 days.
Rats and mice average 8 to 12 babies in a litter, but can have as few as 1 or as many as 20. Rats are weaned at 6 weeks, mice at 5 weeks.This applies to both groups of males and females. However, rats are territorialanimals, meaning that they usually act aggressively or scared of strange rats. Ratswill fluff up their hair, hiss, squeal, and move their tails around when defending their territory.
Wild rats enter your home they may carry parasites and diseases that are harmful to humans and animals, including Leptospirosis and Ringworm. Brown rats do not carry the plague.
Rat can enter your house through gaps in the walls and foundation, they can get in along the plumbing pipes, and also make another hole. Roof rat is a good climber so they make nest in attics ceilings, and upper available spaces in the buildings, they chewing siding, insulation, wallboard, and also damage electric wires and plumbing pipes.
Surrey pest control provide quality services to eliminate your rodent problems.
Call 778-929-9215 surrey pest control for rodent control.