The fruit fly feeds on overripe fruits, rotting vegetables, fermenting liquids such as soft drinks and alcohols, and other foods in garbage and drains. Since fruit flies are attracted to the yeast in the foods, they also may hover around or land on breads and other baked goods.
Fruit Flies in the Home
The fruit fly is just a great nuisance, especially when there are a lot of them.
Fruit flies can damage harvested produce because they can carry and spread organisms that cause rot. So if you have a home garden or leave ripe fruit out in the open, you’re at risk for attracting fruit flies and might lose some of your produce because of them. But the key to prevention and control is simple.
Control of a fruit fly infestation is best achieved by limiting the flies’ ability to feed and breed.
- Refrigerating or discarding ripening fruits
- Cleaning any spilled juices, sodas, wines, or other liquids
- Washing beverage containers before recycling them
- Regularly cleaning trash containers and the areas around them
Once you have sanitation under control, often the best approach is to wait for the fruit fly population to diminish. Particularly for outdoor infestations, such as around trash containers, the arrival of cold weather can cause a fruit fly population to disappear as rapidly as it seemed to grow in the warm weather. But regardless of where the infestation is, if the flies have no food, they likely won’t be a problem for long.
Furthermore, there are pesticides that can work on serious fruit fly infestations, though it’s best to try to naturally control the infestation first through sanitation before turning to chemical methods.
Call us for chemical treatment: 7789299215